Розробки уроків та позакласних заходів

Розробка уроку для 1 класу за темою "Шкільне приладдя"

Розробка уроку для 3 класу за темою "Розклад уроків

Розробка уроку для 1 класу за темою "Я люблю природу" 

Розробка позакласного заходу для 5-6 класів - Інтелектуальний турнір з гри "Що? Де? Коли?" 

 Розробка мовного портфеля як засобу оцінювання та самооцінювання учня старшої школи 

Розробка уроку для 2 класу за темою "Осінь багата", презентація

Розробка уроку для 2 класу за темою "На узбережжі", презентація

Цикл уроків за темою: "Канада: історія, географія, культура"
Презентаціі до уроків 

Урок-портфоліо для учнів 10 класів за темою "Професії"

Урок англійської мови в 5-му класі

Підручник Алли Несвіт «Ми вивчаємо англійську мову» для 5-го класу загальноосвітньої школи.

Тема:                                                                                                             Шкільні предмети.
комунікативна компетенція:
мовленнєві функції: розпитувати з метою роз̕ яснення і уточнення інформації та надання необхідних відповідей;
лінгвістична компетенція: лексична: pen, ruler, scissors, rubber, book, pencil-box, classroom, play, study, car, work, office, hotel, desk, teacher, party, floor, blackboard, park, pencil, cinema, museum, exercise-book,  text, sing, Literature, Ukrainian, Art, Mathematics, Study Nature, Music, Ukrainian, English, PT, the days of the week, the months of the year, the ordinal numerals 1-12; граматична: Present Simple, Past Simple;
мовленнєва компетенція: читання, говоріння , аудіювання, письмо;
соціокультурна компетенція: здатність привести до спільного знаменника рідну й іноземну культуру в межах змісту теми.
загально навчальна компетенція:
ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, словник, дошка, магнітофон (комп’ютер), аудіо (відео) запис римовки «Solomon Grundy», cards (card 1, card 2, card 3, card 4, card 5), шкільне приладдя (ручка, лінійка, ножиці, гумка, книга, пенал).

Тип уроку: повторення.

Хід уроку

1.       Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу:
1.      Greeting         
T: Good morning, boys and girls.
I am glad to see you, too.
Take your sits, please.
Who is on duty today?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
What is the weather like today?

2.      Aim
T: So today we will talk about school subjects.

3.       “Guessing game”
T: So, now I’ll describe you different things & you try to guess  
What is it? You can start “Is it…?”
  1. It’s small. It is made of plastic & metal. You can write with it.                   Pen.
  2. It’s long. It is made of plastic. We measure things with it.                           Ruler.
  3. It’s long. It is made of metal. We cut paper with it.                                      Scissors.
  4. It’s small. It is made of rubber. We rub something with it.                           Rubber.
  5. It’s big. We can read it.                                                                                  Book.
  6. It’s small. It is made of plastic. Schoolchildren keep their things in it.         Pencil-box.

4.       Phonetic drill
T: Now we have a phonetic drill. Listen & repeat.
Solomon Grundy born on Monday
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Ill on Thursday           
Worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Buried on Sunday
This is the end of poor old Solomon Grundy

2. Основна частина

1.      Check on homework     Writing (Game “School words”)
T: So, take the cards. Read & underline “School” words. You have 3 minutes
Card 1
Classroom, play, study, car, work, office, book, ruler, hotel, desk, teacher, party, floor, blackboard, park, pencil, cinema, museum, exercise-book, rubber, text, sing, Monday, Literature, Ukrainian.
& now give me the cards.

2.      Conversation Lab (“What date is it?”)
T: Let’s revise ordinal numerals, the months…
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
& now look on these dates & tell me “What date is it?”
Card 2
15.10, 1.09, 14.08, 19.08, 2.04, 18.12, 25.10, 01.02, 8.03, 14.01, 19.05, 01.05...

3.       Writing (Making up the sentences with the words)
Open, please, your copybooks. Write down today’s date, class work, etc.
& now look at the blackboard, read & translate these words.
Study Nature
& now make up the sentences with these words, write them down.
4.       Physical warm-up
Now we have some rest. Listen to me & do the exercises.
 “Simon says… ”
-          Simon says: Stand up!
-          Simon says: Close your eyes!…
5.      Listening Lab
This text has some new words. Let’s read & translate them.
 Now I’ll read you a letter from Oscar to Dan twice. Listen to me carefully.
Dear Dan,
            I’m in the fifth form now. At my school we have six lessons a day, three in the morning & three in the afternoon. This year we study thirteen subjects! Monday morning is terrible. We have Maths for two lessons & then the Nature Study lesson. Monday afternoon is nice: we have two lessons of English & then Music. Tuesday is my favourite day. We have History & English in the morning & then computer studies & Art. On Wednesday we have the PT lesson in the afternoon. It’s my favourite subject. I like Wednesday afternoon! Thursday is difficult. I don’t like German but it’s useful. Friday is OK because it is the last day of the school week. Saturday & Sunday are great fun!
What about you? How many lessons do you have every day? Which subject do you like?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes, Oscar.
So, look through your test & choose the correct item
Card 3
1. Oscar goes to school in _____________
a) England       b) Ukraine             c) the USA

2. Oscar has _______ lessons a day.
a) five               b) six                       c) seven

3. He studies _______ subjects this year.
a) ten                 b) fourteen            c) thirteen

4. His favourite day is _____________
a) Tuesday                  b) Wednesday       c) Friday

5. Oscar’s favourite subject is ___________
a) German         b) PT                     c) Nature Study
& now change the cards with your partner. I’ll read you right answers & you’ll say how many right variants got your friend.  Pass me your cards, please.

6.       Reading Lab
Listen & read the text.                            
October30th, 2005
Dear Dan,
Thanks a million for the photos of your school. I got the best mark in class for my project!
It is Sunday today & I have time to write you about the school I study at. Colchester Royal Grammar School is a school for boys. We have almost the same subjects as you have. But our music lessons are different. We learn to play the musical instruments. & we have the Computer Studies lessons. You can see in the photo that we have a school uniform. Most pupils wear white shirts, violet suits & ties, & black shoes. We have a large canteen in our school. Many pupils have their lunch there. They like eating fish & chips & drinking diet Pepsi.
            Write again soon.
Best wishes, Oscar

Card 4
 Agree or disagree with the statements                         
1. Oscar studies at Colchester Royal Grammar school.
2. Oscar was happy to get the photos of a Ukrainian school.
3. Oscar goes to school for boys & girls.
4. The children don’t wear a school uniform in Oscar’s school.
5. Most pupils wear black suits.
6. Many pupils have there lunch at school.

7.       Conversation Lab (Game “Ask & answer”)
Answer my questions.  Max ask Anna!…
T: Are you good in Maths?
P: Yes, I am.
P: Are you good in PT?
P: No, I’m not.

8.      Self – Assessment
Card 5
Think of your records. Tick how well you know it.
4 = very well, 3 = OK, 2 = a little, 1 = needs to improve.

Now I can
    4   3    2    1
• read and understand necessary
• ask and present information about school subjects
Listening Comprehensive
• understand the information during a discussion
• write a news stories

3. Заключна частина.
T: Our lesson will be over soon.   Let’s try to remember what we have done?  
Home assignment
Your home assignment for the next lesson will be writing a letter to your friend, tell him/her about your school week.
Saying goodbye
Our lesson is over. You may be free! Good-bye!

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